DRAdrianMD on Cholesterol
[MUSIC PLAYING] Hi, this is Doctor Adrian, M.D. This is a short video to introduce you to my cholesterol program here at my office. Nowadays, we see cholesterol testing and treatment as being the primary focus of most physicians, primary care providers, internists. It's as if we went through four years of medical school just to focus on cholesterol 80% of our day at the office, which is unbelievable to me. So, especially considering the fact that there's a lot of contradictory data on statins regarding their safety and their effectiveness. I've attended a number of lectures at conferences, such as the American College for Advancement in Medicine and some other conferences, where they bring experts in who tell the other side of the story regarding statins and cholesterol therapy. So I tend not to use statins, and I have a success rate in lowering cholesterol that's equal to using prescription medications, using the specific supplements that we show on our website here under the cholesterol section of the health concerns. So I would ask you to look at the treatment plan there where I detail what I have patients do. So the side effects of statins are what I'm going to point out here. I have patients who come to me who are tired, and they have muscle aches-- often very significant muscle aches. And their other family physician never suspected that it may be due to their statin medication that they're taking. And in fact, even tells the patient no, I don't think it's from the statin. So when these patients come to me with fatigue, leg weakness, muscle aches, depression, I show them literature and often lecture notes from different experts who I've heard speak, regarding statins in the options they have to replace statins. And pretty much most the time, these patients who stop the statins suddenly feel like the monkey wrench has been taken out of machine, and the machine, the metabolism of their body is back to working normally. They're producing energy. Their muscle aches go away. So before you take prescription medications, I want you to know there are successful alternatives. I use them every day, with minimal or no side effects-- certainly not the side effects that statins have, and including red yeast rice extract. There's a myth that red yeast rice extract is no different than a statin. Well, that's not true. It has a minuscule amount of lovastatin, but the benefits are due to other novel compounds found in red yeast. And patients have excellent results using the Thorne Research product we have here, which Thorne guarantees their product is free of mycotoxins, which is fungal toxins such as citrinin. And also, they guarantee that it's not spiked with any prescription lovastatin to make a poor-quality product work, or lower cholesterol on lab testing. So please read the treatment plan. Think twice before you take statins. And I would look up the book by Doctor Mark Houston from Vanderbilt University regarding cardiovascular disease, where he helps educate readers regarding the very treatments I'm recommending here in my treatment plan, and available in our e-store. Again, thanks for tuning in. This is Doctor Adrian, M.D.