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I have spent decades studying many unconventional treatments and healing philosophies. I have gathered a collection of resources...  Read More



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Latest news on Hormonal Birth Control risks.

It is no surprise to me that non-human hormone analogs/ imposters found in hormonal contraceptives cause depression and increased risk of suicide.  There is no 'bio-identical' hormonal contraceptive on the market no doubt due to lack of patentability.  Taking these meds prevents ovulation and the subsequent ovarian production of the feel good hormone 'progesterone'.  Progesterone has many benefits and accounts for the demand for this hormone by patients.  It relieves anxiety, PMS, depression and can help weight loss and thyroid function to mention only a few of its benefits.  I call it the 'Snow White Hormone" as it makes a woman act more like this tranquil and tolerant character.   

If seeking contraception, ask your Gyn about the non-hormonal IUD Paragard.  An IUD allows a woman to still use topical Progesterone for mood and PMS.  Progesterone is our top compounded  prescription medicine.  

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Dr. Adrian Hohenwarter MD is the leading Alternative Medical doctor in Central PA. As an Integrative doctor focusing on complementary alternative family medicine since 1989, he offers extensive knowledge in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for men and women, Detoxification with Intravenous IV Therapy including EDTA Chelation Therapy | Nutritional IV Therapy | Myers Cocktail and IV Glutathione, Nutritional Counseling, Cancer Support, Natural Thyroid Replacement Therapy and professional grade supplements at low prices. We service patients in Palmyra PA, Hershey PA, Harrisburg PA, Lancaster PA & Reading PA. In addition, we attract patients from Baltimore MD, New Jersey, New York, Washington, Ohio and as far away as Texas and Florida. We offer natural approaches but also offer traditional medical services for your entire family from children to adults of all ages.