Dr. Adrian’s Blog

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I have spent decades studying many unconventional treatments and healing philosophies. I have gathered a collection of resources...  Read More



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Non human hormone analogs imposters found in hormonal contraceptives cause depression and increased risk of suicide. Latest news on Hormonal Birth Control risks.

It is no surprise to me that non-human hormone analogs/ imposters found in hormonal contraceptives cause depression and increased risk of suicide.

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Coronary Artery Disease Screening, Calcium and Vitamin K

I see many patients with atherosclerosis and Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) after it is symptomatic. I prefer to assist in prevention and early detection. This Blog will discuss screening tests for coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis which are seldom used by conventional medical doctors. Additionally, helpful alternative treatments for cardiovascular disease will be discussed including an often forgotten simple supplement.

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FDA advises restricting fluoroquinolone antibiotic use for certain uncomplicated infections FDA warns about disabling side effects that can occur together with use of fluoroquinolone antibiotic like Cipro, Factive, Levaquin, Avelox, Noroxin, or Floxin

Since I continue to see patients who are prescribed Fluoroquinolone antibiotics for conditions for which no antibiotic is necessary or for conditions that could be treated with safe antibiotics, I am posting the FDA new labeling / warnings for this class of medications from 2016. Most physicians have not changed their prescribing practices it appears from my office experience so patients must be informed on their own. Cipro, Levaquin and Avelox are the most commonly prescribed Fluoroquinolones and can cause permanent disabling side effects. These include damage and rupture of major tendons, central and peripheral neurologic damage, and serious psychological disorders. See FDA link: https://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/ucm500143.htm

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Dr. Adrian Hohenwarter MD is the leading Alternative Medical doctor in Central PA. As an Integrative doctor focusing on complementary alternative family medicine since 1989, he offers extensive knowledge in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy for men and women, Detoxification with Intravenous IV Therapy including EDTA Chelation Therapy | Nutritional IV Therapy | Myers Cocktail and IV Glutathione, Nutritional Counseling, Cancer Support, Natural Thyroid Replacement Therapy and professional grade supplements at low prices. We service patients in Palmyra PA, Hershey PA, Harrisburg PA, Lancaster PA & Reading PA. In addition, we attract patients from Baltimore MD, New Jersey, New York, Washington, Ohio and as far away as Texas and Florida. We offer natural approaches but also offer traditional medical services for your entire family from children to adults of all ages.
