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Pure Planet

Wheatgrass Capsules

Juiced Wheatgrass 

  • USDA Certified Organic
  • Certified Kosher
  • Awarded the Diabetic Resource Center's Seal of Approval
  • Free of yeast, soy, corn, maltodextrin, brown rice or added sugar
  • You will find a wealth of easily digestible nutrients, including light weight vegetarian protein, antioxidants and digestive enzymes with anti-aging properties
  • Ancient and organic seeds of Kamut and Alfalfa are grown in organic soil and processed at low temperatures to produce Pure Planet’s highly nutritious wheatgrass blend
  • Our seeds have never been crossbred


240 Capsules


$39.39 List Price

$35.00 Online Price


A Daily Dose of Juiced Wheatgrass Powder

Ancient and organic seeds of Kamut and Alfalfa are grown in organic soil and processed at low temperatures to produce Pure Planet’s highly nutritious wheatgrass blend . Our seeds have never been crossbred or hybridized, ensuring a pure, non-GMO cereal grass . Unlike tray-grown varieties, our farm-grown and non-pasteurized grasses allow deep roots to absorb the broad range of nutrients and are a lightweight vegan protein . A convenient substitute to juicing that Does Not Contain fillers, sweeteners or additives of any kind and great for all ages .

  • Maximum oxygenation support; may boost energy
  • Helps maintain healthy cleansing and digestion
  • Great for sports enthusiasts, active lifestyles and anyone concerned with the effects of aging

Suggested use for powder:

Take 3 with water 1-2 times daily . For best results, take on an empty stomach.

Store in cool dry place or in freezer. Do not refrigerate.


Organic Kamut® Khorasan Wheat Grass Juice Powder 650mg

Organic Alfalfa Leaf Juice Powder 350mg

Keep out of reach of children.

Do not Refrigerate. Can be stored in freezer.

Store in a dry cool place.


All prices are subject to change without notice.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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